The return of the Prodigal Prince returns to his Devil's Den. No more will there be only entertainment for the mob of prurient cretins. Our world will be elevated to a new height of debauchery and libertine enlightenment. I present to you: Women intelligent, Women nude, and Women in chains bound to their fate as delightful little morsels of flesh and feline temperament and presented to you pro bono.
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Pet Kitty Fall 2024
This is the good stuff. Finely crafted and a wide array of product choices. Their leather lingerie is a must have. At the very least buy your partner a collar. Every Squirrel Grrl should have a collar. If your Grrl doesn't have a collar, now's the time.
Razz - a fine upstanding specimen of an intelligent, elegant, and beautiful Woman takes her rightful roost in the Hen House
Tessa Violet
Lost and Found
Being in the entertainment industry and being an X-er of the Film and TV Generation, I've become somewhat of an aficionado when it comes to the quality and entertainment value of such things and therefore am qualified to share my opinion. In addition I owe no one any favors nor do they hold sway over me so know always when to spend your money and time at the theatre or in front of the living room screen and when not to thanks to he who is GRACIOUS.

Civil War
American Primeval
Give us this day our weekly NIETZSCHE

"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."
--Friedrich Nietzsche