Only Fans and the Proliferation of Trash Porn

The Virtuous Pornographer criticizes Only Fans and the proliferation of low quality amateur content and the notion of whether or not couples uploading their sexcapades on Only Fans qualifies them for the acclaimed status of "Sex Workers".

The Virtuous Pornographer

1/11/20245 min read

The impetus for this Blog session is a recent post on FetLife which spoke against those who were making claims that Sex Workers were ruining the infamous Kinky Social Site. While it's true that there has been an uptick in profiles by Women who are using the site to promote their Only Fans page, like the author, I don't believe that it is ruining the site. Granted it's disappointing to run across an enticing profile only to discover that the Person behind it isn't really there to interact freely and will only chat with you if you pay 9.99/month, but I hesitate to make the claim FetLife has been ruined.

Now what I begged to differ with was the claim that these folks were 'Sex Workers'. I pointed out that fucking your boyfriend or girlfriend in your shitty apartment and trying to sell videos of it for $15 wasn't really work. I pointed out that Sex Workers actually worked, they travelled, they toured and most of all, they engaged People other than their significant other and were published in more places than their own personal porn dropbox. Essentially my point was People who weren't in the business before Only Fans and who wouldn't be in the business if it weren't for Only Fans haven't earned the title of "Sex Worker" and didn't deserve to be considered such. Sex Workers are honorable People and they shouldn't have their image demeaned by People who don't even clean their room before they use it as a set to make a video of themselves gobbling down their boyfriend's semen load.

Needless to say the haters descended from the rafters like rabid harpies. Some of them I could psychically hear them screaming at me in their posts like their fucking heads were getting ready to explode, triggered as they must have been. I was accused of being Cis-gendered, transphobic (that was rich and came out of nowhere) and an obsolete old white guy, you know the usual wads of fecal matter that monkeys throw from the safety of the trees when a Man causes their butt to hurt. All manner of personal attack against someone they didn't know and whose profile most of them neglected to even peruse ensued simply because I had a contrary opinion. No one had anything intelligent to add to the professional conversation of what entitled someone to lay claim to the Glory of being a "Sex Worker". Just unending broadsides of shade from a group of People that I'm sure just love themselves for their own perceived 'woke' Virtues.

So let's examine what goes on with Only Fans Content...generally speaking that is...and you can come to your own conclusions.

Now originally Only Fans was meant to serve People who had Fans, you know Actors, Rock Stars, Artists of all sorts. It was intended as a way for them to reach out to fans, interact and show some of their daily Life's activities, hobbies, and other things of interest. Some of these People were Adult Actors who caught on and as their content was somewhat risqué it soon influenced others to use the platform to get paid to show their tits. Soon the trend was out of control and at one point Only Fans teetered on making the decision to disallow such content. We all mocked that though, knowing that if they did so, they'd be cutting off a revenue torrent and no corporation in its right mind would hack off such a lucrative fiat currency stream. Only Fans makes gobs from the scale of the Internet while the average content creator earns less than a paltry $200/month with an average of 21 subscribers. Why? Well because they're not fucking famous and they don't have any fans and they are not gonna become famous and have fans by shoving their pimply ass in the camera. To that I say, Honey if you want to make money showing your tits and ass, go get a job dancing where the lights are low, engage in genuine sex work and you'll make that in a single evening and probably then some. Now in defense of some of the creators who are famous and actually have Fans, they make a great deal of revenue but also much of it is not sexually oriented.

Only Fans really kicked it into gear the year of Covid99. Why? Well, that's obvious. Suddenly tens of thousands of People were out of work and laid up at home with nothing better to do so they had the brilliant idea of showing their ass online with the fantasy of striking gold and making it rich but ended up with only a few extra bucks and slowly the dream faded.

Now maybe I am an "obsolete old white guy" but as a generation X'er I grew up with porn, good porn. It came in magazines and on video cassette and it wasn't trash. People had pride in what they published. It wasn't done by just any Tina, Dick and Hillary. You had to get selected, You had to be ready to get friendly with the other Actor the Colonel brought to the gig. People became Stars they became Porn Stars and they didn't do it fucking their significant other and selling a dozen of their private tapes from the corner newspaper stand. They were real Sex Workers and had Honor and Glory. So what has Only Fans and the proliferation of amateur trash porn done to the industry. First and fore most it has created a glut of content, much of which is substandard when it comes to production values in general, lighting, editing, the camera angles, the attractiveness of the Actors, the style of the set. It endangers the integrity of an entire generation of young Women who in desperation and driven by poverty and an economy gone awry, pinned their hopes to their sexual exploits and the chance that such would make them rich or at least provide a livable income during their trials and tribulations. How far is that $200/month getting you? Why did you not make very much? Well no one knew you. You had no fan base and there were about 800,000 other chicks showing their tits and blowing their boyfriends limp dick in shitty lighting with shitty camera angles, a pile of dirty laundry in the background and a bra hanging over the lamp causing a fucking shadow. No one wants to pay money for shit when there is so much good porn for free that makes its way by pushing ads and if they are gonna pay money, they will demand RED level quality.

if it hadn't been for OnlyFans or something like it, they would not have done it. If they didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, they would not being doing partners because for the most part Women are very intimate about sex and they require a connection to engage in it but the fact of the matter is this, if you can't roll up on strange and get it on, you're not a professional and if you're not a professional, you don't rate to call yourself a "Sex Worker". If you can't dance and strip in front of a crowd of barbarous, drunken heathen howling and slobbering for a glimpse of your naked flesh, you are not a 'Sex Worker'. If you don't get hired to do gigs that are published by others who give you a check, you are not really working, you're just a part time hobbyist. If all you can do is take off your clothes in front of a ring light and webcam in your room filled with stuffed animals from your childhood you aren't there yet, you're just a tourist. You don't rate to put yourself on the same level with the Great Ones and the Hookers strutting up and down the boulevard.

The only good thing that will come out of this is, soon low-grade amateur content will cease to excite anyone and the thirsty and hungry will be forced to return to proper pasture to achieve pleasure and that's where I will be waiting for them, obsolete as I am.