Careful but not elusive. You gotta know where to find her. She treads around lightly, an experienced Woman of the Night. This mid-western feline is a wild thang. She drives a Mustang for christsakes and it's a nice one.
Expert Services
Ava provides comfort and companionship for mature Gentlemen or anyone who appreciates a finely aged wine.
Innovative Personal Solutions
She'll do whatever you like except weird kinky stuff and ass play. I have yet to convince her that she needs to be robbed of the virginity of her dirthole.
Timeless Space Creation
She'll make time and even come to your space but her time is valuable so don't waste.

Complete Architecture Services
She will erect you to the fullest extent possible using her wiles and her womanly nature.
Lifestyle-Enhancing Design
Look at those tits. They've been life-style enhanced for your pleasure. Oil them up and slide your cock between them repeatedly and just wait and see what happens.
Collaborative Design Services
She works with her clients to design an experience that is natural and gratifying. She brings great comfort to lonely old souls and for this she deserves praise.